Christa McAuliffe Award

Nominate a Teacher

Nominations in the spring begin the 36th presentation of the Christa McAuliffe Prize for Courage and Excellence in Education to another courageous and outstanding Nebraska teacher. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Education & Human Sciences invites you to help find the best candidate. The recipient will receive a $1,000 stipend and a specially designed plaque.

A Nomination Includes:
  1. A letter of nomination that addresses how the teacher exemplifies the characteristics of Ms. McAuliffe--courage, commitment to excellence, creativity, and ability to inspire. (Limit 2 pages)
  2. A resume of the nominee's professional experience and education. The nominee should participate in preparing this resume. (Limit 2 pages)
  3. A statement from the nominee of his/her philosophy of education and the way in which the nominee exemplifies courage, commitment to excellence, creativity and ability to inspire. (Limit 4 pages)
  4. At least 3 letters of support from students, parents, administrators, fellow teachers, and community members.

Award is announced in July at Administrator Days.

Nominiations due: March 1, 2025
Submission of materials due: April 15, 2025

Nomination form is not currently available.