The University Distinguished Teaching Award is given annually to recognize up to three members of the College of Education and Human Sciences.
- Academic Rank of Tenure-track (all ranks) or Professor of Practice
- Must have taught in CEHS for at least three years
- Narrative Description
- Supporting Evidence
- Must be uploaded in a continuous PDF or Word file
1. Narrative Description (required):
The brief narrative description should be no more than three pages long and should characterize the teaching philosophy of the nominee. It should also include other information the candidate thinks would be useful to the committee in determining that he or she is a distinguished teacher.
2. Supporting Evidence (provide two forms of evidence):
Any evidence of teaching quality should be representative of the past three to four years of teaching experience. These illustrations of evidence listed below are not intended to be exhaustive or required; they are simply illustrative. The nominee should decide how to best demonstrate, in a concise way, how he or she is a distinguished teacher.
- Two letters of support from colleagues who have observed the nominee's teaching, their department chair, or from students who can speak to the nominee's impact
- Teaching evaluations and details about impact and teaching load (e.g., number of classes taught each semester, undergraduate and graduate, number of masters and doctoral advisees, and membership on advisory committees) - You must express in a table or graph. i.e.: Terms, course numbers, enrollment, mean for the course
Amount: $1,000
Selection process: CEHS Awards Committee
Nominiations due: November 15, 2024
Submission of materials due: January 16, 2025
Nomination form is not currently available.